Arts in Society requires that final narrative and financial reports be submitted together within 60 days of the completion of the funded project and no later than the date stated in the grant award letter, or as modified in subsequent correspondence. Grant recipients who do not submit final reports are ineligible for further Arts in Society funding. If unusual circumstances arise that may create delays in reporting or significantly alter the progress of the funded project, please promptly inform the Arts in Society Program Manager.
Arts in Society requires that final narrative and financial reports be submitted together within 60 days of the completion of the funded project and no later than the date stated in the grant award letter, or as modified in subsequent correspondence. Grant recipients who do not submit final reports are ineligible for further Arts in Society funding. If unusual circumstances arise that may create delays in reporting or significantly alter the progress of the funded project, please promptly inform the Arts in Society Program Manager.
An interim report is required for 2 year grants. Please submit your interim report at the midway point in your project completion. Upon receipt of your interim report any additional grant funds will be disbursed.
INSITE Fund requires that final narrative and financial reports be submitted together within 60 days of the completion of the funded project and no later than the date stated in the grant award letter, or as modified in subsequent correspondence. All reports should be submitted via the following Submittable form. Grant recipients who do not submit final reports are ineligible for further INSITE funding. If unusual circumstances arise that may create delays in reporting or significantly alter the progress of the funded project, please promptly inform the INSITE Fund Program Manager.
Reporting Components:
a. Narrative report of no more than 6 pages including the following information:
i. A summary of the project and purpose of the grant (no more than 250 words)
ii. A list of project activities (per Grant Agreement)
iii. Names of significant collaborators (including non-artists) and a description or their roles.
iv. Numbers and general demographics of attendees/visitors engaged in your project (including
multiple presentations or iterations if applicable). Demographics might include zip codes collected
from attendees, demographic information collected through a survey, or a description of specific
groups (eg. “6th graders at the Denver School of the Arts” or “participants in RedLine’s Reach
Studio program”)
v. How did this project and/or INSITE funding expand or further your professional goals and/or artistic practice?
vi. A list or description of (including links to or physical copies of) publications, news articles, or other materials related to the grant
vii. A narrative explanation of any significant variances between proposed spending and actual spending in each category
b. Project Documentation
i. Please provide between 3-5 high quality photographs documenting your project, as well as video documentation if it was completed.
c. Financial Report
i. Please complete and submit the “Financial Report Template.”