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The ArtPark is located at 1930 35th Street. This RedLine Satellite is a unique, temporary (5-Year) opportunity to be in partnership with The Denver Public Library and the River North Art District to develop a campus of like-minded and community-driven organizations in the Globeville-Elyria-Swansea neighborhood. 

The campus includes 8 artist studios that will be managed by RedLine and subleased to emerging and mid-career artists for one year with a one year option to renew. All artists are invited to apply and studios will be awarded through a community-selection process.   Satellite Studios are not part of RedLine’s primary 2-year Artist-in-Residence program and thus that they are not fully-funded and require a $235/month rent per participating artist based on studio size. Participating artists will, however, will have access to the programmatic offerings, professional development and networking that RedLine’s residency provides including facilitation of open studio days, studio visits and programmatic opportunities. The Satellite Initiative is meant to support artists pre or post RedLine residency by providing an affordable studio option for Colorado-based artist. Studios range from 150 - 180 sq. Ft and will be available starting this November. Lease-terms will begin on November 1, 2024. 

 Eligibility: RedLine is prioritizing artists who have connections to the surrounding neighborhoods including Five Points, Globeville-Elyria-Swansea, Cole and Whittier. Artists should apply who are interested in this creative campus as an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded artists, the neighborhood and The Denver Public Library. Alto Gallery is RedLine's primary partner for operating the gallery space that the studios surround and presents monthly exhibitions on First Fridays. The River North Arts District and the Library also frequently hold programs and opportunities that artists at the ArtPark are able to participate in, if interested. 

 Requirements: The RedLine Satellite Studios require a one year lease with an option to renew for one year. Artists have to be willing to participate in an active community of artists and program partners that share the campus. RedLine    Timeline:

Application Opens: September 16, 2024 

Application Deadline: October 20, 2024

Selection Committee Review: October, 28, 2024

Applicants Notified: November 5, 2024.   

 Application Checklist  

Name (first / last)    

Address (Street, City, State)   



Website (if applicable)    

Artist Statement or Bio    

Primary Medium    


  1. Please describe one opportunity you believe this Satellite Studio program will bring to your career and practice as an artist?
  2. What is one challenge that you face in your current practice and how will this studio space help you to potentially address that challenge, if at all?
  3. The ArtPark is a campus that includes indoor/outdoor space, a performance art venue, Comal, and a branch of the Denver Public Library, and Comal, Please share one idea you would like to potentially explore if awarded a studio within this shared campus of partners and/or with the fellow studio artists? To learn more about the partners, please visit:
  4. Please share what connection or history you have to the neighborhood or surrounding neighborhoods, residents, businesses or organizations? 
  5. How did you learn about the RedLine Satellite Studios at The ArtPark? 
  6. RedLine partners with neighborhood organizations, the Arts District and artists to host community events, markets and programs at the ArtPark, do you have any concerns or hesitations participating in studio visits, public programs or events as a part of your Satellite Studio experience? 
  7. Do you have any accessibility needs? 
  8. Is there anything else you would like to share?
  9. Attached 7-10 examples of current works (within the last three years)  

 About RedLine Contemporary Art Center    RedLine is a nonprofit contemporary art center that fosters education and engagement between artists and communities to create positive social change. Learn More at

About Alto Gallery - is a nonprofit contemporary art gallery founded in February of 2016 by 501(c)3 Birdseed Collective. Learn More at


ArtPark Campus Partners

About RedLine Contemporary Art Center   RedLine is a nonprofit contemporary art center that fosters education and engagement between artists and communities to create positive social change. Learn More at   

About Alto Gallery - is a nonprofit contemporary art gallery founded in February of 2016 by 501(c)3 Birdseed Collective.

Learn More at About Denver Public Library  About River North Art District 


Arts in Society requires that final narrative and financial reports be submitted together within 60 days of the completion of the funded project and no later than the date stated in the grant award letter, or as modified in subsequent correspondence. Grant recipients who do not submit final reports are ineligible for further Arts in Society funding. If unusual circumstances arise that may create delays in reporting or significantly alter the progress of the funded project, please promptly inform the Arts in Society Program Manager.


An interim report is required for 2 year grants. Please submit your interim report at the midway point in your project completion. Upon receipt of your interim report any additional grant funds will be disbursed. 


INSITE Fund requires that final narrative and financial reports be submitted together within 60 days of the completion of the funded project and no later than the date stated in the grant award letter, or as modified in subsequent correspondence. All reports should be submitted via the following Submittable form. Grant recipients who do not submit final reports are ineligible for further INSITE funding. If unusual circumstances arise that may create delays in reporting or significantly alter the progress of the funded project, please promptly inform the INSITE Fund Program Manager.

Reporting Components:

a. Narrative report of no more than 6 pages including the following information:

i. A summary of the project and purpose of the grant (no more than 250 words)

ii. A list of project activities (per Grant Agreement)

iii. Names of significant collaborators (including non-artists) and a description or their roles.

iv. Numbers and general demographics of attendees/visitors engaged in your project (including

multiple presentations or iterations if applicable). Demographics might include zip codes collected

from attendees, demographic information collected through a survey, or a description of specific

groups (eg. “6th graders at the Denver School of the Arts” or “participants in RedLine’s Reach

Studio program”)

v. How did this project and/or INSITE funding expand or further your professional goals and/or artistic practice?

vi. A list or description of (including links to or physical copies of) publications, news articles, or other materials related to the grant

vii. A narrative explanation of any significant variances between proposed spending and actual spending in each category

b. Project Documentation

i. Please provide between 3-5 high quality photographs documenting your project, as well as video documentation if it was completed.

c. Financial Report

i. Please complete and submit the “Financial Report Template.”

RedLine Contemporary Art Center